Adriane Berg


Adriane Berg

BA Mission Officer

Pro Advisor

Adriane Berg
Adriane Berg

The Retirement Income Explosion

This book is about living better right now and having all the cash flow you need at your fingertips to do so. How many marvelous things you would like to do, see, experience, become, that you have postponed until retirement? If you have not retired, I bet you have a long and exciting list. And if you have retired, I wager the list gotten even longer. As we get older, we are aware of 1 great truth. Life starts right now and keeps on coming until it’s over. There are no intermission, no timeout after which future “officially begins.” We owe it to ourselves to be financially ready for that future as it becomes a present and it before it’s dissolved, bit-by-bit into the past.


Adriane Berg

Gifting To People You Love

Explains how to save on taxes, setting up trusts and avoid probate, gifting and support issues when parents divorce, and choosing certain types of investments

Berg, the host of a call-in radio show, observes that in the next five years the baby boom generation will inherit over a trillion dollars. The legal and tax consequences of this intergenerational transfer of wealth can burden individuals with unnecessary cost confusion. Berg’s attempt to inform concerned parties of their options stops short of being complete. He chooses instead to present an overview of various financial-planning topics associated with the complex process of wealth-building. Consequently, the treatment of some intriguing subjects, such as the family limited partnership and the use of insurance to avoid estate taxes, are frustratingly brief. Somewhat disturbing are Berg’s several offers to provide readers with more information if they contact the legal firm with which he is associated. Nevertheless, his book is worthwhile as a timely introduction to the subject.


Adriane Berg

Your Wealth Building Years: Financial Planning for 18 to 38 Year Olds 

Encompassing every aspect of financial planning from cash flow to long-term investment strategies, this guide to money management for people under forty offers timely information on topics ranging from the new tax laws to credit ratings, global investing, and employment benefits.

“I was in my early 20’s. This book is transformative in a personal thought process. To this day this is one of THE best books I have ever read. The concept of time value of money, starting early and effective use of financial products is truly enlightening. No hard selling on specific issues. If you are a parent who has ever said that financial literacy should be part of a child’s education this is a must have. My son turns 16 in two weeks and I am giving him my original copy of this book. This subject is under taught, under appreciated but overly important.” ~ David


Adriane Berg

How Not to Go Broke at 102: Achieving Everlasting Wealth

The continued threat to Social Security income makes longevity planning critical for a lifetime of financial security. How Not to Go Broke at 102! examines the challenges of financial longevity and provides readers with guidelines for making the right financial choices that will provide the security to support a long and active life. This book looks at the reality behind long-term care for boomers and their aging parents, discusses methods to maximize life-long income, create intergenerational planning, manage housing and healthcare costs, choose meaningful work, and access newly instituted government programs to live without compromise in the exciting decades ahead.


Adriane Berg

Financial Planning for Couples: How to Work Together to Build Security and Success

Offers advice to couples on how to manage their money, discussing how to put aside emotional reactions to finances and concentrate instead on earning money.


Adriane Berg

Keys to Avoiding Probate and Reducing Estate Taxes (Barons Business Keys) 

50 key concepts tell you how to avoid probate, save estate taxes, prevent costly court battles, and give your family Peace of Mind. Problem areas, from choosing trustees to saving the family business, are treated with understanding. Barron’s Business Keys takes the mystery out of business practices and makes doing business understandable to everybody.


Adriane Berg

The Totally Awesome Money Book For Kids 

FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. Written by a kid (with his mom) for kids ages ten to 17 with cartoons, drawings, quizzes, games, riddles, stories, and short chapters. Teaches the basics of saving, investing, borrowing, working, and taxes.


Adriane Berg

The Totally Awesome Business Book For Kids

This fun and fact-filled classic, fully updated, is packed with cartoons, quizzes, games, and stories about starting up a business and making money from it. A savvy brother-and-sister team, Arthur and Rose explain everything you need to know to start 20 super businesses ranging from lemonade stands to recycling:

  • Business budgets
  • Record keeping and filing
  • Telephoning and e-mailing
  • Using the Internet to find information
  • Negotiating
  • Putting it in writing
  • Marketing and advertising
  • Networking
  • Human relations


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